maidian color printing|riding binding linkage line-凯时官网手机版下载

 maidian color printing|riding binding linkage line-凯时官网手机版下载
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riding binding linkage line


the binding range of the riding binding line is: the maximum width: 450×311mm before cutting, 440×300mm after cutting;minimum format: 158×116mm before cutting, 148×75mm after cutting;the maximum size of the double copy: 450×311mm before cutting, 217×300mm after cutting;minimum format of double copy: 256×116mm before cutting, 120×105mm after cutting;the maximum thickness of the finished product is 8mm, the maximum speed of the machine is 10000r/h.the horse riding binding linkage line is simple in operation, fast in binding, can reduce the defective products caused by the improper configuration of artificial or other mechanical equipment, its introduction, not only reduces the production cost, but also improves the product quality, optimize the production process, and further promote the steady development of wheat point.

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